Investing in Haitian families.
Why Haiti?
Haiti has never had it easy. From slavery to natural disasters, foreign oppression to corruption at every level of government, Haiti is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet with one of the most difficult and complicated histories imaginable.
Against seemingly insurmountable odds, its people refuse to give up hope for their beloved Ayiti. They remain optimistic that their children and their grandchildren will live in more peaceful, prosperous times, surrounded by healthy, thriving families.
Heartline’s Approach
In Haiti, institutions and infrastructure are spotty at best and outright dangerous at worst. Rather than working through a broken system, Heartline invests directly in Haitian families – materially poor, oppressed, but steadfast in their hope for their country’s future.
We employ a holistic, locally-led approach in all of our work: through maternal & infant healthcare, career training, children’s education, and community care, we’re equipping Haitian families to both provide for themselves and ignite new futures in their communities.
Two Campuses. Four Programs.
Maternal & Infant Healthcare at the Heartline Maternity Center
Nestled away in the Tabarre neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, the Heartline Maternity Center is a community hub for compassionate and high-quality care. The Center is completely led and staffed by Haitian nurses and midwives, working day-in and day-out to combat Haiti’s 1:94 maternal mortality rate.
Career Training at the Heartline Education & Employment Campus
At Heartline’s Education Center in Croix Des Bouquets, Port-au-Prince, we provide year-round education to adults seeking income-generating skills like computer literacy or culinary arts. Curricula is designed by Haitians, for Haitians.
Children's Education in Cite Soleil & Corail
Our Children’s Education program sends children from the Corail and Cite Soleil neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince to primary and secondary schools. This program has even expanded to fund trade school and university scholarships!
Community Care Throughout Port-au-Prince
Heartline’s Community Care team travels throughout neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, distributing food, supplies, and direct cash assistance to isolated families, prisoners, children with disabilities, and so many more.
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We share updates from our team on the ground in Haiti every month: photos, videos, and stories of life-changing investment in Haitian families.
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