The Heartline Blog
In Haiti, Motherhood Means Courage
Mother’s Day, the Maternity Center, and the courage that carries us through. A story from co-Executive Director Tara Livesay.
Rebecca: An International Women’s Day Story
Heartline’s co-Executive Director Tara Livesay reflects on her friendship with one young Haitian woman.
Welcome to Heartline Haiti’s New Website!
Welcome to Heartline’s brand-new website! Thanks for stopping by!
A Fabulous Human Adventure: Youseline’s Story, Part Two
“in this kind of work, when you have a purpose, you can find a sort of family, people to share moments of sadness and joy with. “
A Fabulous Human Adventure: Youseline’s Story, Part One
“It is a fabulous human adventure to do this job…with time and availability and the opportunity to know and understand the experiences of each pregnant woman we follow.”